Travel and Freelance Writing


CUlture Trip

Browse the leather vests, erotic art and whips at the Leather Archives and Museum for a joyful introduction to all things kink and BDSM in Chicago.


Culture Trip

Merriam-Webster Dictionary has officially added ‘Latinx’ to its catalog. But what does the word mean, who uses it, and why are some denouncing this change?


Culture Trip

If you were a gay English man in the 1950’s, you might greet your friends with ‘How bona to varda your dolly old eek.’ This secret language served to help the gay community find family.

Parrish’s writing has also been featured in HI USA’s Travel Guides, Gertrude Press, Buzzfeed, Slate, and more. Much of his freelance work sits at the intersection of travel, gender, culture, and literature.